专栏名称: 可可英语
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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-05-23 08:00
点击下方名片关注我们双语文本Footage circulated online showed a man at late singer Wong Ka-kui's grave, holding a family-sized bottle of Coke, and splashed the liquid onto Wong's tombstone. The man then licked and kissed Wong's tombstone, including his photo, bit off flowers in a bouquet, scribbled around with a black marker pen, including Wong's photo and the slab of stone with a guitar engraving on top. In another video, the same man belted out one of Beyond's signature songs, "Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies". With an iron hammer, he smashed Wong's photo on the tombstone. It is understood the act of vandalism unfolded at the Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery in Tseung Kwan O at about 11 a.m.一段在网上疯传的视频显示,在已故歌手黄家驹的墓前,一名男子将一瓶家庭装的可乐泼在了黄家驹的墓碑上。该男子随后舔啜了黄家驹的墓碑及其遗照,还咀嚼了一束鲜花,并用黑色马克笔在黄家驹的遗照和刻着 ………………………………

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