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威尼斯的抗争:与大型游轮保持距离 | 双语阅读

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-14 17:32
长期以来,大型游轮一直是威尼斯不受欢迎的“风景”。意大利政府计划让游轮远离威尼斯中心区域。Photo credit: Getty Images全文共605个词。Vast cruise ships, looming over St Mark’s Square like Leviathans of the lagoon, have long been an unwelcome feature of the Venetian skyline.阴森耸立在圣马可广场旁的大型游轮,宛如栖居于泻湖的怪兽利维坦,一直是威尼斯天际线间不那么令人赏心悦目的一景。But on Wednesday, following a collision in June in which a small tourist boat was hit by one of the liners, the Italian government announced that it would begin rerouting the ships away from the Italian city’s historic centre.但不久前意大利政府宣布将重新规划大型游轮的行驶路线,使其远离威尼斯历史悠久的中心地区,此前6月份曾发生过一起小型观光船被 ………………………………

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