专栏名称: 可可英语
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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-03-24 15:41
口语积累positive review, negative review情景应用经常网购的你,知道“好评”“差评”用英语怎么说吗?“评价”英语是review,也可以说feedback(反馈),“好评”即positive review,“差评”即negative review。The restaurant received many positive reviews.这家餐厅好评很多。The seller has a five-star rating.这个卖家有五星好评。The reviews for this seller are top-notch.这个卖家的评价非常好。Many customers left negative reviews on Yelp.很多顾客在Yelp(美国版大众点评)上面给了差评。I checked out the reviews for that hotel and they were awful.我看了那家酒店的评价,太差了。I always check the reviews before buying.我下单之前会先看评价。It's one of the best-rated oven.这款是评价最好的烤箱之一。大家常常提到的各种差价,用英语都怎么说呢?We had to wait over an hour for our food to arrive, and when it did, it was cold and unappetizing. ………………………………

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