专栏名称: TED英语演说优选
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TED演讲 | 我如何透过音乐找到我自己!

TED英语演说优选  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-08 12:30
hello大家好,我是达达。「音乐无所不在,它在万物当中。」艾妮卡保森如是说。她是个音乐家、学生、也是 TED-Ed Clubs 的明星。手持吉它,她透过人生的拍子来弹奏着,探索音乐如何将我们连结在一起,造就现在的我们。 演讲者:Anika Paulson演说题目:我如何透过音乐找到我自己中英文对照翻译The philosopher Plato once said, Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. Music has always been a big part of my life.哲学家柏拉图说: 「音乐给予宇宙一个灵魂、 给予心灵一对翅膀、给予想像飞翔的能力、给予万物生命。」音乐一直是我人生中很重要的一部份。To create and to perform musicconnects you to people countries and lifetimes away. It connects you to the people you’re pla ………………………………

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