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临海悬崖观景顶奢豪宅 | Villa Amanzi

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-12 16:30
我们精心建造的这间独立大屋,座落于陡峭陕谷北面边陲的巨石之上,坐拥安达曼海以南的蔚蓝色开扬海景之余,更可尽享日落美景;为了完成这个要求极高,并且极为壮观的项目,我们既紧张又兴奋。Nestled in a cascading, west facing ravine with a dramatic slab of rock defining the northern edge and a stunning outlook over the azure blue of the Andaman Sea to the south, our commission; to do this demanding but ultimately spectacular site justice, was both daunting and exciting.这间独立大屋的最大特色是其建造于石山之间与其壮阔的景观,在大屋每个角落也可领略其中美感。首先,由公共空间踏入私人空间,从客厅、亲子区、花园以至寝室,石山和景致也做到互相辉映;另一方面,从清幽的岩石平台沿着石级走下60公尺,即可置身 ………………………………

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