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经济学人 | 美国制造业 能否再次辉煌(上)

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-13 07:00
(全文共325个词)“Nation longs for one more day with dying manufacturing sector.” This headline, published in 2014 by the satirical website the Onion, anticipated both President Donald Trump’s fears and the retorts he gets from his critics. “制造业生命垂危,国人依依不舍。”2014年,讽刺网站“洋葱网”发布了这样一个大标题,预言了总统特朗普的忧惧和批评人士对他的反驳。Mr Trump campaigned on a promise to bring back jobs in manufacturing after decades of decline. 特朗普在竞选中承诺要挽回数十年间不断减少的制造业就业岗位。To those who see the future of the American economy in services, these promises seemed backward. 在那些认为服务业才是美国经济未来的人看来,这样的承诺是一种倒退。When he was head of the National Economic Council, Gary Cohn reportedly asked ………………………………

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