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【GT】周处除三害中的鸽蛇猪及典故|The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon

Robin经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-05 06:27
# 前面的话由黄精甫执导、阮经天主演的犯罪动作片《周处除三害》票房破亿,成为日冠军。影片英文翻译为“The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon”,一起看下周处除三害的典故和三种动物所代表的含义。【翻译仅供参考】原文阅读The film's Chinese title is Zhou Chu Chu Sanhai, which can be literally translated as "Zhou Chu eliminates the three evils." The modern crime film does a successful job in adapting the classic Chinese ancient folk tale of Zhou Chu. The story of the legendary figure was documented in the Jin Dynasty (265-420) historical text Book of Jin and historical compilation A New Account of the Tales of the World. Zhou was an infamous villain, and was considered by local people as the three greatest evils along with a dragon and a tiger. To get rid of the three evils, local people encouraged Zhou to kill the two beasts in the hope that the three would all die while fighting each other. Zhou spent days figh ………………………………

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