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Reaching for the Sun, Step 3: Plant Nutrition (1)

壹德eReader  · 公众号  ·  · 2016-12-24 16:32
· Plants need water for...  -photosynthesis  -a medium to carry out chemical reactions  -to keep cells firm for functioning, and prevent wilting*Water comprises 70-95% of a plant's weight· Two ways of losing heat  -Convection: only occurs if the temperature of a leaf is higher than its surroundings.  -Evaporation:     ~Water from leaf surface withdraws heat from a plant because energy is absorbed by water    -can occur even if the temperature of the leaf is below that of the surrounding air*A typical leaf dissipates about 50% heat by evaporation, 50% by convection  -Plants with a bias to convective heat loss: xenophytes    ~thick fleshy tissues in which water is stored  -Plants with a bias to evaporation:    ~good at uptaking water and transporting water       · Water uptake by root   -rhizosphere (读作[raizosphere]): the volume of soil as ………………………………

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