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【Economist】China's slowing growth: Get used to it

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-21 06:00
中文导读受出口下降等因素的影响,中国第二季度的经济增长进一步放缓至6.2%,为27年来的最低增速。不过随着近年来中国政府负债水平的升高,对于此次经济增速放缓,政府不太可能会像往常一样出台大规模刺激政策。在中美贸易战如火如荼展开之时,这样的经济增速放缓只会是常态。The trade war with America hurts, but the government is wary of stimulusChina’s economy is slowing, again. After a good start to the year annual growth slipped to 6.2% in the second quarter, the weakest in nearly three decades. That is hardly cause for panic: for an economy now worth nearly $14trn, such a growth rate is impressive. As the trade war with America hurts exporters, it also underlines the extent to which China’s economy is now fuelled by domestic demand. The question for the coming months is ………………………………

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