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刷屏的中科院博士回信了,他致谢里的这句话令无数人泪目丨Academic shares inspiring life story

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-19 16:14
导读 近日,中国科学院自动化所一博士论文的致谢部分在网上引发热议。致谢中,作者黄国平回顾自己如何一路走出小山坳、和命运抗争的故事。他在致谢中说的一句“把书念下去,然后走出去,不枉活一世”令无数网友泪目。黄国平本人也已作出回应,感谢网友们的关心和关注,并附上了完整的致谢内容,向网友们详细介绍了自己的求学经历和生活现状。这篇致谢为何如此感人至深,让我们一起来看看。The acknowledgement of a doctoral dissertation written by a scholar from the Chinese Academy of Sciences four years ago was widely reposted on social media in recent days.The author of this doctoral dissertation titled Research and Implementation of Human-Machine Interactive Machine Translation Method is Dr Huang Guoping, who graduated from Institute ………………………………

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