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Sichuan village on road to better life

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-09-16 11:46
POVERTY ALLEVIATION | BUTUO COUNTY导读 On the journey to prosperity, no one is left behind. In this series, China Daily tells stories of achievement and triumph as the final 52 counties in four provinces and three autonomous regions rise from poverty.On Aug 30, it was again the time of year for students in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province to return to school, one day ahead of the beginning of the new semester. But the journey to school was no longer an odyssey for Ah'emezi Ahmu and Ahdame Sen-iu, two 14-year-old students in Abuluoha village in the prefecture's Butuo county."We used to walk for nearly four hours along the cliff to reach Wuyi township, where a bus took us to school in another township. Now a minivan in Abuluoha takes us directly to school in about two hours," said Ah'emezi Ahmu.The dramatic change took place thanks to the recent opening of a ………………………………

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