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艺述森林境—合景·新鸿基·泷景 | 生活美学馆

景观设计小学徒  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-18 13:06
大自然的每一个领域都是美妙绝伦的 --亚里士多德” [   场地   ]项目位于广东佛山禅城区,靠近广佛地铁线,临近广州,地理位置优越,将成为泷景东部地块未来十年的品牌中心。The project is located in Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong, close to the Guangzhou-Foshan Metro Line, and close to Guangzhou.场地现状有许多几十年的原生树,高大榕树、芒果树,生长在不同高度的场地上。设计对它们做最大限度的保留。The status quo of the site has many decades of native trees, tall banyan trees, mango trees, growing on sites of different heights, as if growing in mid-air. Designed to maximize the retention of the original tree. In the name of art story, tell a story of "art forest".▼Advancing process/推进过程▼Concept  evolution/概念演变前期设计介入阶段我们思 ………………………………

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