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8岁女孩短道速滑起步摔倒却逆袭第一丨Girl winning speedskating contest despite fall

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-12-23 11:31
The video of an 8-year-old girl outperforming other competitors during a short-track speedskating competition despite her falling down at the beginning has become a sensation on the internet.The young female skater Ma Zihui fell down as soon as she set off in the 500m quarter-finals of the U8 group in the first leg of the Beijing Youth Short Track Speed Skating League, but she got up immediately and continued the race. It didn't take long for her to surpass her rivals, and she won the championship in the end.The video has been liked by over 5 million internet users, and some spoke highly of her exceptional skills and calm demeanor."Never give up! This is exactly the spirit of sports," commented a user on weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter."I'm honored to have met such a brilliant and brave student", her coach Niu Yongqiang wrote on weibo.Click here for audio and translation ………………………………

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