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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-04-13 15:28
当我们过于关注自己和自己所感兴趣的事,忧郁就会悄悄到来,“我”变得巨大,因而无法接受任何不合我们心意的事.可我们又凭什么要求别人遵照我们的意思去行事呢?如果我们选择跟随我们的情绪和欲望走,最终只会自作自受,也许有的人会去欺骗、伤害别人,籍此让自己的愿望达成,但最终他们还是会失去。---加措活佛When we place too much importance on our own interests, wewill become depressed. The sense of “me” will become large, and we will not beable to accept anything which does not go along with our own feelings. But whatright do we have to require others to conduct themselves in accordance with ourown feelings? If we choose to always act in accordance with our moods anddesires, we will only suffer in the end. Some will even lie to and hurt othersin order to get what they desire; however, that which is obtained in this waywill disappear in the end.、有缘请加我公众 ………………………………

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