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经济学人 | 体重会影响工资的高低?

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-05 08:00
背景介绍:曾经有一篇名为《中国劳动力市场中的“美貌经济学”:身材重要吗?》的论文称:女性体重每增加1千克,其工资收入会下降0.4%;身高每增加1厘米,女性工资会提高1.4%。影响最大的是中等收入阶层女性,低收入、高收入阶层身材偏胖的女性,工资并无大影响,但中等收入阶层偏胖女性,工资会下降10%左右。经济学家早已发现,体重和薪酬有某种相关性,而体重对薪酬的影响甚至超出我们的想象。The obesity pay gap is worse than previously thought肥胖带来的薪资差距比以往想象的还要大It affects men as well as women, and is wider for the well-educated男女均受影响,受过良好教育的人受到的影响更大Obese people experience discrimination in many parts of their lives, and the workplace is no exception. Studies have long shown that obese workers, defined as those with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, earn sig ………………………………

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