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Quora | 有哪些好玩儿的谐音梗?

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2020-04-05 18:40
▲Quora#文章精选 / #好习惯 / #疫情 / #上篇(214字) nobody nose这个太逗了What are some of the best screenshots you have taken on your mobile phone?Anonymous28.9k Views · 1k Upvotesirrelephant: An extremely funny word coined by a t-shirt company. According to statistics, 92% of readers burst into uncontrollable laughter upon reading it and subsequently purchased the shirt. T恤公司造的新词 "Anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant!"dam: barrier (made of concrete, earth, etc) built across a river to hold back the water and form a reservoir, prevent flooding, etc 水坝; 水堤; 水闸;damn: (infml 口) (esp as an interj, used to express annoyance, anger, etc 尤用作感叹词, 表示厌烦﹑ 愤怒等): Damn! I've lost my pen. 倒霉! 我钢笔丢了!guts: (infml 口) (a) internal organs of the abdomen (腹腔的)内脏: a pain in the guts ………………………………

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