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World丨Concerns grow over farmers' protest in Germany

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-01-09 11:59
Concern is growing in Germany that the far-right Alternative for Deutschland party, or AfD, will use the country's biggest agricultural sector protest in years to stir up discontent and anger toward the ruling coalition government.▲This File photo shows a sign displayed on the front of a tractor that reads "Traffic light madness not on the backs of farmers", as German farmers take part in a protest against the cut of vehicle tax subsidies, in Berlin, Germany, Dec 18, 2023. [Photo/Agencies]Last week, police used pepper spray to break up a blockade of around 100 farmers who prevented Economy Minister Robert Habeck from getting off a ferry on his return from holidays, an incident that Habeck said made him "thoughtful, yes, even concerned, that the mood in the country is heating up to such an extent".Despite a partial government u-turn over the key issues of cutting diesel subsidies and tax breaks on farming vehicles, an eight-day protest will start on Monday, with freight carriers also ………………………………

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