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FT是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的简称,1888年创刊。凭借全球记者资源和英语母语特色,每日奉上双语阅读资讯、速读小测、原声视频与电台,轻松学英语。内容涵盖金融财经、时尚轻奢、运动美食、职场管理、移民留学等热门话题。
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白宫被指隐藏特朗普与普京及沙特王储通话记录 | 双语阅读

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-29 17:30
此前,一名情报官检举白宫“锁上”特朗普向乌克兰总统施压的通话记录,民主党控制的众议院委员会已就此启动对特朗普的弹劾调查。Photo credit: Getty Images全文共690个单词。The White House restricted access to the transcripts of telephone calls Donald Trump held with the leaders of Russia and Saudi Arabia, providing an expanded list of targets for Congressional investigators pursuing an impeachment inquiry into the president.白宫曾对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)与俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯领导人通电话的记录限制访问。这为正在对总统进行弹劾调查的国会调查人员提供了更长的目标清单。The New York Times and CNN on Friday evening reported that White House officials had severely restricted access to calls with Russian president Vladimir Putin and members of the Saudi royal famil ………………………………

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