专栏名称: 英文悦读
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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2021-05-10 11:06
100词写作社群里面出现了这样一个句子:Thirdly, as their lives are being dominated by smartphones, students and workers are susceptible to nomophobia, feeling extremely anxious about not having access to their phones. This means they are becoming a slave to their phone.有同学问到了这样一个问题:为什么they后面可以跟一个单数名词a slave? 是不是要改为slaves?这是一个挺有代表性的问题,它属于地道英文里面经常出现的一个结构:XX are a place/student/person… 比如BBC就有这样一个句子:Creating looks directly inspired by the catwalk but at half the price, these shops are a great place to pick up a couple of trend-led pieces.回到前面的句子,they are becoming a slave to their phone这里"a slave"不能理解为“一名奴隶”,而是一个泛指的概念,相当于slaves,句子实际上相当 ………………………………

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