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時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-07 20:59
  時 間 の 玩 家         Time  Is Art   这是 時間の玩家 分享的第 449 篇文章For a spiritual seeker who is moving on the path from compulsiveness to consciousness, can spending time around those people caught in compulsive behaviors have a negative impact? Sadhguru speaks about the importance of the sangha, or the company one keeps, and about cultivating the right kind of company.对于一个正走在从强迫性转向觉知道路的灵性探寻者而言,如果和那些陷入强迫性行为的人们待在一起的话,会造成负面影响吗?萨古鲁谈论了Sangha,即同行者或者同伴以及结交正确同伴的重要性。Question: Sadhguru, I share an apartment with other people, and whenever I’m away for longer periods of time, I sublet my room. All kinds of people are staying there – once a girl who turned into a drug addict ………………………………

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