今天看啥  ›  专栏  ›  袁大头大清铜币光绪元宝收藏估价


袁大头大清铜币光绪元宝收藏估价  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-26 14:39
古时候,此元宝一般用作大户人家建房子前请风水先生看埋在地基下哪个方位的,或者不埋在房子地基,直接放置在家里供奉,用于镇宅,有招财进宝之意。寿字元宝对研究古代社会,经济的发展提供了重要实物资料,有着很大的历史价值和收藏价值,令收藏界瞩目。元宝又称金锭,是中国古代货币体系中的一个重要组成部分,同时也是古代国家财政收入的重要媒介。In ancient times, the wing is generally used as a large house built house please Mr Feng shui is buried under the foundation which bearing, or buried in the foundation of the house, directly placed in the home, and used in town house, with a thriving business.Life of word silver piece to the study of ancient society, the development of economy provides important data, has a history of great value and ………………………………

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