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Games' gender goals

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2022-02-15 10:17
With record numbers of female athletes competing in the Beijing Olympic Winter Games this year, the International Olympic Committee has set a target of having equal numbers of male and female athletes compete in four years time at the next Winter Games in Milano and Cortina, Italy.  According to the IOC, there are 1,315 female athletes competing at the Beijing Games, accounting for 45 percent of the total 2,902. They are also competing in a record number of women's events, with 53 percent of the events at the Beijing Games featuring female athletes, an increase from 47 percent four years ago in Pyeongchang.  The IOC has set the same goal for the next Summer Games. "We've set a goal of 50 percent female participation with exactly 5,250 men and 5,250 women taking part in the Paris Games in 2024," said IOC spokesman Mark Adams.  "In regards to the Winter Games coming up in Mila ………………………………

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