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环球时报 | 雪究竟能不能吃?

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-31 19:56
Is it safe to eat snow?吃雪安全吗?From little flurries to full-scale blizzards, it's not unusual for snow to fall come winter.从小雪花到暴风雪,冬天总要下几场雪的。During the cold weather months, some folks like to share recipes for how to make snow ice cream and other treats that use fresh powder as a base, adding milk, sugar, and toppings.在寒冷的日子里,有些人喜欢分享用雪做冰淇淋和其他甜点的食谱,在新鲜的雪中加入牛奶、糖,撒上浇头。Obviously, no one is recommending anyone scoop up a bowlful of snow idling on the side of the road, full of salt, muck, and other unpleasantness.显然,没有人会建议你从马路边舀一碗雪来做美食,那里的雪掺杂着盐粒和淤泥,还有其他恶心的东西。But it does beg the question: Is any snow actually safe to consume? According to meteorologist Mary Scarzello Fairbanks, snow isn't all that pristine.但是这也引发了一个问题:有没有可以安 ………………………………

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