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Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2021-01-18 12:16
2021年01月17日 19:33:30 Quora文选cover: (v.) (MUSIC 音乐) to perform or record a song that was originally recorded by another artist 翻唱,翻录〔别人原创的歌曲〕(n.)a new recording of a song, piece of music etc that was originally recorded by a different artist 翻唱版本,翻录版(也写作cover version)例句:He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs. 他一定是靠着其他艺人翻唱他的歌来赚取体面的生活。The single is a cover of an old Rolling Stones song. 这首单曲是翻唱自滚石乐队的一首老歌。They've covered several hits from the 1980s. 他们翻唱了几首20世纪80年代的热门歌曲。She's opted to do a cover version for her first single. 她选择翻录一首歌曲作为她的首张单曲唱片。其他相关词汇remix: a different VERSION of a popular song, in which someone has add ………………………………

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