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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2020-01-22 08:45
写在前面今天和大家分享一篇有趣的文章。这篇文章发表在2020年《经济学人》年刊,题目是 What will horrify your grandchildren(让你的孙辈震惊的事),文章探讨了「代际冲突」这个话题,具体来说,是“当今有哪些我们习以为常的事,会让我们子孙后代感到震惊”。下面我带大家精读第一段话,然后分享文章内容和相关观点。原文阅读KIDS THESE days! Lamenting the loose morals and poor choices of the young is a timeless trope. They wear outrageous clothes! They listen to dreadful music! They have no respect for their elders! But inter-generational criticism is a two-way street: every generation also decries the unenlightened beliefs and behaviours of its elders. They owned slaves! They denied women the vote! They criminalised homosexuality! The nature of social change means that ………………………………

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