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Explore Long- and Short-Run COVID-19 Impacts(59)

金融经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-06-18 21:30
59期编辑:周鑫  审核:王欣苑Unemployment Insurance Replacement Rates During the Pandemic.Unemployment Insurance Replacement Rates During the Pandemic.NBER Working Paper No. 27216, 2020Peter Ganong, University of ChicagoPascal J. Noel, University of ChicagoJoseph S. Vavra, University of ChicagoAbstract We use micro data on earnings together with the details of each state’s UI system under the CARES Act to compute the entire distribution of current UI benefits. The median replacement rate is 134%. Two-thirds of UI eligible workers can receive benefits which exceed lost earnings and one-fifth can receive benefits at least double lost earnings. There is sizable variation in the effects of the CARES Act across occupations and states, with important distributional consequences. We show how alternative UI expansion policies would change the distribu ………………………………

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