专栏名称: 一天一篇外刊翻译
【一天一篇经济学人】的姐妹号,翻译组由来自牛津、耶鲁、LSE 、纽卡斯尔、巴斯、威敏、曼大、爱大、圣三一、绍二、NUS、墨大、北大、北外、北二外、北语、外交,上外、川大、山大、浙大、交大、武大等60多名因为情怀兴趣爱好走到一起的小伙伴组成。
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一天一篇外刊翻译  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-07-17 19:20
口译训练营8.8上线!Gretle的二口真题demoGretleCATTI一口、一笔、同传。某211本硕英专。In-house译员,10年口笔译实践经验;CATTI一口、一笔、同传;通过国家一级翻译(副高)职称评审。为了让大家更了解我们的口译课,我们的老师录制了demo给同学们看看,以下为二口真题demo!逐字稿2018年6月二口英译汉真题demo文字稿口译不是笔译!口译不是笔译!口译不是笔译!第一部分:Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, more than 95 percent of Asians live in middle-income countries, compared to less than 10 percent 20 years ago. This remarkable shift was mainly driven by rapid economic growth in China, India, and Indonesia and other Asian countries. The challenge you face now is: Can Asia, which is largely a middle-income region, make a successful transition to high-income status?The experience of other developing countries in the last 50 years suggests this will not be easy. ………………………………

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