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"call"是打电话,"a close call"是什么意思?跟电话可没关系

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2020-11-23 08:31
2020年11月22日 19:52:07 Quora文选a close call / thing / shave: (=a situation in which something dangerous, embarrassing etc almost happens ) A close call means a narrow escape from a danger or from a trouble. 勉强脱险,死里逃生,幸免于难,有惊无险,躲过一劫。例句:It's a close call. I nearly hit the car in front. 好险啊!差点撞上前面的车。United had a close shave when Liverpool almost scored. 联队一度告急,利物浦队差点得分。Getting the airport on time was a close call. 准时赶到机场,可谓千钧一发。We didn't actually hit the other car, but it was a close call. 我们倒并未撞上那辆汽车, 可险些出了事。▌精选:Quora文选1. Quora | 真正幸福的情侣间都有哪些习惯?2. "love handles"是身体哪个部位?你最想减掉它3. Quora | 作为一个中国人是一种什么样的体 ………………………………

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