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帅炸!独臂篮球少年火爆全网,库里发视频打气:坚持做你自己丨One-armed wonder wows world

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-06-08 16:11
近日,一段独臂男孩与对手进行一对一篮球对抗赛的视频走红网络,娴熟的技术不仅惊艳了在场观众,也震惊了网友。据新华社报道,这位13岁的篮球少年名叫张家城,是广东省云浮市云安区高村镇人。5岁时,因为一场意外失去了右臂。When Zhang Jiacheng lost his right arm in an accident at just 5 years old, no one could have believed that he would one day wow the world on the basketball court.Back then, just dressing himself was a struggle. Now, the 13-year-old from Guangdong province is an internet sensation and counts a host of NBA and CBA heavyweights among his hundreds of millions of fans.Last week, video footage of the one-armed teenager bamboozling opponents with his sublime dribbling skills and outrageous underarm shots went viral on Chinese social media.画面中,面对比自己高一头的对 ………………………………

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