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Disputed Issues of Non-compete Agreement & Adjudication Rules

道可特法视界  · 公众号  · 法律  · 2018-03-01 22:21
Abstract:In orderto protect trade secret and avoid repercussions of change in core staff, a number of companies would sign non-competition agreements with employees. But as the legal regulation on non-competition restriction is relatively generalized in China, the non-competition agreement has become one of the most contentious issues in labor contract disputes and trade secret protection in recent years.The Dispute Resolution Team of Beijing Docvit Law Firm hereby presents the analysis of common disputed issues related to non-competition agreement with relevant case studies for your reference.1IntroductionNon-competition agreement, in short, is a legal agreement that the employer and employee enter into to restrict the employee from harming the legitimate interests of the employer with a proper financial compensation being paid to the employee subject to non-competition ………………………………

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