专栏名称: 朱雯萱
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朱雯萱  · 简书  ·  · 2020-02-18 09:19


很多朋友问我如何把英语学好。每个人爱好都不一样,从兴趣出发,比如喜欢唱歌,可以听歌学英语;喜欢看电影,那就找英文版电影来看,一边看一边学口语;喜欢看小说,可以参与阅读,有声绘本是不错选择,每天通过有声绘本锻炼听力,也可以学习新的词汇。总之是: 马上行动。在学习中找到最合适自己的方法。

Practice make perfect!



唐诗 (a Poem of Tang)


There was a country far off the sea (海外存远国)
On the land of the east (云遥有东土)
I heard it when I was young (童稚闻其名)
Mum said it’s Called Tang (母告吾谓唐)

I once dreamed a poet called Li (梦遇诗人李)
Wrote a poem on my skin (题诗缀吾臂)
But I didn’t know how to read it (莫能诵其语)
So I traveled to find him (遂别将其觅)

I heard the camel bells ring (沙吹响驼铃)
the vulture fly in the wind (人走见飞鹰)
Far far away from hometown (乡远莫能返)
Dad’s afraid I was too young (父恐吾尚青)

Ah the kids read in morning (晨曦朗书童)
Ah the bell tower rings (古寺钟声重)
Ah I pass the temple (伽蓝殿前走)
Ah the monk smiles to me (僧笑佛前人)
They said there was a man called Li (僧言有李氏)
He’s famous in the dynasty (名重王朝倾)
He do poetry with poets in restaurants (斗诗青楼内)
Left calligraphy on the ground (酒醉吐腹经)

An old sold wine beyond the city (路遇翁卖酒)
By the road to the moat in the rain (雨沥城门净)
He said that is named An named Chang (翁言谓长安)
So I believed the poet wound be found (遂入观其景)

Ah I see great buildings (楼穷现煌宇)
Ah in them poets drink and sing (骚客共饮歌)
Ah I pass the palace (大明宫前过)
Ah flowers bloom around me (袖畔繁花生)

Ah I see Buddha statue sits (佛坐莲花落)
Ah I see the Emperor through the street (帝过千人迎)
Ah I pass a lantern (人过阑珊处)
Ah it light up the poem on my skin (灯笼照臂诗)

In the south I saw its Romance (城南司浪漫)
In the north I saw its Majesty (入北转威严)
Below the sun it was bustling (日下荣其盛)
Below the moon I heard its silence (月前响其静)>

I saw a man wear white in the rain (微雨见白衣)
Just like the poet in my dream (恰如梦中影)
He took wine and read a poem (把酒笑吟诗)
Just like the lyrics of this song (恰如此歌行)
A poem written for the Tang (诗以唐之名)



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