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国院SJTU  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-31 18:18
2020年度大事记年终岁末,紧张繁忙的一年即将过去。2020年,在校内外各界同仁的关心支持下,国际与公共事务学院继续保持良好发展势头,在诸多方面取得丰硕成果。An extremely challenging year is coming to an end. In the year 2020, with the care and support from all colleagues and partners, the School of International and Public Affairs continues to maintain stable development and achieve fruitful results in many aspects.2020.03.04国务学院社会政策与行政管理学科连续第二年跻身QS全球100强The discipline of Social Policy and Administration has been among the QS 100 for the second year2020.04.09《中国第三部门研究》集刊入选“中文学术集刊索引数据库” The Collected Issues of "Research in the Third Sector of China" were selected into the "Chinese Academic Collection Index Database" ………………………………

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