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清明时节,这些佳片陪你“云端”寄哀思 | Weekend Movies

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-05 15:35
Again, it's time for the Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday.又到一年清明时。Most people have chosen to stay at home to mourn the deceased via internet, instead of visiting the cemeteries — a tradition passed on for generations in our country — due to the COVID-19 pandemic.因受疫情影响,许多人今年不再前往墓地,而选择“云端”遥寄哀思。The themes of love between humans and ghosts, or exploring the mysteries of death in the context of life, offer an enduring charm, and thus have become a popular inspiration for filmmakers.对于电影人而言,阴阳两隔、永失我爱,或是探究生死之谜,是他们最长情、亦是最钟爱的题材之一。This weekend, I have selected several films that cater to the festival atmosphere, hoping that they will help you to observe this special holiday while the world is still embroiled in a battle agains ………………………………

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