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Tourists Fight Over Selfie Spot on a Mountain Viewing Deck

GBACommunity  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-30 21:00
▲Click above to subscribe 点击上方蓝字关注我们Security guards had to control a group of unruly tourists who began brawling at a height of 4,680 metres on a mountain viewing platform over the best spot to take a selfie.A shocking footage shared on social media platforms shows several adults shoving and pushing each other in the middle of a bewildered crowd on the observation deck of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang, southern China's Yunnan Province.Those barging around did not seem to care if they accidentally knocked into someone, or sent them falling off the high platform.Dozens of people were waiting in queues in the snow trying to dodge the punches on Sunday, March 24. The physical altercation began between one man and a woman with another woman, media reported. Some visitors tried to intervene but the group was apparently not willing to give up their chosen spot.It was reportedly not stopped until security staff posted around the scenic spot pulled them a ………………………………

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