专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)唯一官方公众号,分享他见过的人、读过的书和学到的功课,内容包括全球健康、能源创新、教育改革和读书笔记等。
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我的假日Spotify歌单 | 盖茨书单

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2023-11-26 10:00
When I think of the holidays, two things always come to mind: matching pajama sets—a tradition in my family—and, of course, holiday music. As soon as Thanksgiving is near, I switch up my soundtrack to something festive, cheerful, and seasonally appropriate.每当我想到假期,脑海中总会浮现两件事:一是搭配好的睡衣套装——这是我家的传统;二当然是假日音乐。每当感恩节临近,我就会将我的音乐歌单切换成一些充满节日气氛、欢快而应季的歌曲。This Spotify playlist is a collection of tracks that help me get into the holiday spirit. It’s a mix of my favorite classics (and some more modern tunes) from around the world. Whether you listen in an ugly sweater, while wrapping presents, or around the table with family and friends, I hope these songs bring as much joy to your holidays as they do to mine.这份Spotify歌单包含一些我最喜欢的经典曲目(包括一些更现代的曲目),它们来自世界 ………………………………

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