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喝鲨鱼奶,睡老虎怀里,“疯狂原始人”要回来啦!丨Weekend Movies

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-11-22 14:34
Do you remember the crazy Croods family in the 2013 DreamWorks animated hit? Those adorable cave dwellers will be back on Chinese screens next Friday.还记得2013年梦工厂动画片《疯狂原始人》里的克鲁德一家吗? 下周五,这些可爱的穴居人就要“回归”大银幕啦。Earlier this month, I interviewed director Joel Crawford and producer Mark Swift about the sequel, The Croods: A New Age, and got to know some interesting stories.本月初,我采访到《疯狂原始人2》的导演乔尔·克劳福德和制片人马克·斯威夫特,他们分享了不少幕后拍摄趣闻。▲ Left: Director Joel Crawford     Right: Producer Mark SwiftThe interview was done through an online video app. It's perhaps one of the most interesting interviews I've ever attended. Aside from the creators, I can see two sloths hanging upon relaxed on branches, who are ………………………………

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