专栏名称: AI数据派
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报名 | 图灵奖得主John Hopcroft做客清华,与你畅谈信息革命!

AI数据派  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-19 07:30
9月20日,清华大学计算机系列讲座第33讲暨清华计算机学科顾问委员会第三次会议专题讲座,邀请到了图灵奖得主John Hopcroft与MIT M. Frans Kaashoek教授,他们将带来有关“信息革命”与“计算机语言”的精彩报告!The Information Revolution【演讲人】John Hopcroft(Cornell University)【主持人】唐杰【时间】9月20日10:00- 11:00 【地点】清华大学FIT-多功能厅内容简介:The human race has experienced a number of revolutions:agricultural, industrial, and now an information revolution.  Each has had a major impact on society.  This talk will discuss three aspects of the information revolution and the impact it will have.  First we will discuss the impact of the earlier revolutions and the impact they had on our lives.  Second we will discuss the impact that the information revol ………………………………

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