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为什么建议你要迁移到MySQL 8.0?

程序IT圈  · 公众号  · 程序员  · 2020-03-20 13:30
来自公众号:老叶茶馆,作者:lefred,翻译:徐晨亮https://lefred.be/content/replace-mariadb-10-3-by-mysql-8-0/ 本文建议横屏阅读,效果更佳(本文涉及到的链接见文章最后)MySQL 8.0 brings a lot of new features. These features make MySQL database much more secure (like new authentication, secure password policies and management, …) and fault tolerant (new data dictionary), more powerful (new redo log design, less contention, extreme scale out of InnoDB, …), better operation management (SQL Roles, instant add columns), many (but really many!) replication enhancements and native group replication… and finally many cool stuff like the new Document Store, the new MySQL Shell and MySQL InnoDB Cluster that you should already know if you follow this blog (see these TOP 10 for features for developers and this TOP 10 for DBAs ………………………………

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