专栏名称: 薛定谔的菌
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【讲座信息】辐照效应: 材料科学与工程面临的挑战和机遇

薛定谔的菌  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-07 23:14
报告题目:辐照效应: 材料科学与工程面临的挑战和机遇报告人:王鲁闽 教授(美国密西根大学核工程与辐射科学系,材料科学与工程系)报告时间:2018年5月9日(周三)15:00报告地点:物理学院新楼5楼大报告厅报告摘要:The interaction of energetic particles with the atoms in the crystalline solid creates lattice defects. The exact fate of these defects or defect clusters in the nanoscale determines the performance of the material in a radiation environment. Typical radiation effects observed in metals and ceramics under the TEM include nanoscale void/bubble and dislocation loop formation, chemical segregation, irradiation induced precipitation and dissolution, with the “ultimate damage” considered to be solid state amorphization.  These changes at the nanoscale lead to macro-scale effe ………………………………

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