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SYS Review | 来自鸟类世界的记忆与心理时间之旅

华南理工广州国际校区  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-04 16:24
▲ SYS·博雅学堂主讲人 尼可拉·克莱顿教授 FOREWORDA journey of memory and mental time from the world of birds.本学期,SYS·博雅学堂第9季第8期暨华园国际交流月院士面对面讲座邀请到比较认知学领域的权威专家、剑桥大学尼可拉·克莱顿教授,她是英国皇家学会院士、英国皇家生物学会院士、美国心理学会院士,同时也是剑桥大学克莱尔学院院士。克莱顿教授重点分享了其团队在松鸦认知科学实验研究方面的工作,并生动叙述了实验幕后的故事。On December 7th, it is an honor for SYS·Boya Academy (Season9) to invite Professor Nicola Clayton who is from University of Cambridge and a leading expert in the field of comparative cognition to attend the 8th session of the Academy, as well as the Face-to-Face Lecture of 2023 SCUT Global Connect. Professor Clayton holds fellowships in the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Biology, and the American Psychological As ………………………………

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