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基础口语句型 | I'm in the driver's seat是什么意思?

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-03-04 08:00
音频课程文本情景会话1 同事Claire问我项目进度Claire: How's the project going? (项目进行得怎么样?)Zoey: It's going well. I'm in the driver's seat now and everything is under control.(很好,我现在掌控了局面,一切都在控制之下。)情景会话2 我询问谈判进展Zoey: How did the negotiations go? (谈判进行得怎么样?)Nancy: They went well. I was in the driver's seat and was able to secure a good deal for our company.(进展顺利。我掌握了主动权,并成功为我们公司争取到了一份好的交易。) ………………………………

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