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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-10-16 10:22
英语中为了表达同类思想观点和行为动作而把两个或两个以上的意义相关、层次相同、句法功能也相同的词、短语、句子等成串排列构成的结构序列称之为平行结构(Parallelism)。这种结构在英语句子中的应用很广泛,值得我们多留意。当一句话里面出现两个或两个以上的平行成分时,这些成分应该保持平衡,如果不注意这一点就会出现句子结构不平衡的问题,比如下面这几个例子:(1) To swim in the pool is not as fun as swimming in the river.(2) Jimmy Davis was an amateur country music singer, a governor of Louisiana, and wrote songs too.(3) He spoke with warmth and in a humorous way.(4) We met a Frenchman who had lived in Brazil, but he knew little about his own country. 上面这几个句子虽然语法上没问题,但读起来不够顺畅,这是因为 ………………………………

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