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昨日之世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-04 20:43
点击蓝字关注我们      2019年年底,新冠病毒爆发了,在近11个月的时间里,就抹去了近100万人的生命, 让近3200万人在病痛面前挣扎,新冠也成为了21世纪影响范围最广、最重大的自然 灾害之一......Covid-19 erupted at the end of 2019. It killed more than 1 million people in 11 months and led more than 32 million people suffering from pain. As a result, Coronavirus becomes one of the most widespread and most momentous natural disasters in the 21st century.      不仅如此,今年9月,美国加利福尼亚洲的山火点燃了近100,000,000英亩的森林, 成为加州历史上最大的山火,将加州北部的天空都染成了橙红色,在卫星的图像中, 整个加州都被铺天盖地席卷来的烟尘覆盖......Not only that, the wildfires in California burned nearly 100 million acres of forest ………………………………

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