专栏名称: 51选刊
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Call for paper (IF 12.1):截止2024年2月1日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-09-16 22:39
请关注Brain-X(交叉脑科学)主要聚焦与脑/神经科学有交叉融合的多学科前沿!微信公众号二维码Advances in Design and Quality Improvement for Cyber ManufacturingThe advances of big data and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are rapidly revolutionizing the advanced manufacturing industries from offline to the cyber space, which forms a new trend of cyber manufacturing. Cyber manufacturing has significantly enhanced the productivity, flexibility, resilience, and quality assurance. However, due to the increasing complexity of advanced manufacturing systems, the current progress of cyber manufacturing development poses urgent demands on advanced analytical methods to achieve more intelligent and efficient design and quality improvement. This special issue will focus on the recent research advances in how to intelligently and efficiently improve the design and quality improvement for cyber manufacturing systems.The forefront research results in this area ………………………………

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