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英文夜读 | The Orange

厦门日报  · 公众号  · 厦门  · 2019-02-07 20:57
The Orange橙By Wendy Cope作者:温迪·可普At lunchtime I bought a huge orange —午饭时我买来一个特大的橙子,The size of it made us all laugh.大得令我们全都发笑。I peeled and shared it with Robert and Dave —我剥了皮,跟罗伯特和戴维分着吃They got quarters and I had a half.他俩各吃四分之一,我吃了一半。And that orange, it made me so happy,那个橙子,真是让我开心。As ordinary things often do就像最近,我时常开心于那些Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park.平凡的事情。购物。在公园散步。This is peace and contentment. It's new.这便是平静和满足。但很新鲜。The rest of the day was quite easy.那天剩下的时光都很惬意。I did all the jobs on my list我做完了清单上所有的活计,And enjoyed them and had some time over.享受那一切,并打发时间。I ………………………………

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