专栏名称: 時間的玩家TimeIsArt
分享与13月亮28天历法相关的电影、书籍、旅行、音乐。 畅玩这趟旅程~
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時間的玩家TimeIsArt  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-03 21:09
時 間 の 玩 家         Time  Is Art   这是 時間の玩家 分享的第 517 篇文章Sadhguru: The simple process of life which one believes, hopes, and tries to plan and work out as a very sweet process, can easily be turned around in a moment. What is very sweet and beautiful can become very bitter and painful.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):一个人所相信,期望和计划的十分甜美的简单的生命过程,可以很轻易的在一瞬间被颠覆。十分甜蜜美好的事情可以变得非常痛苦。Human beings have enough intelligence to understand that the very way life is structured is such that if one small thing goes upside down, everything goes upside down with one’s life.人有足够的智慧去领悟到生命的运行方式就是,哪怕一个细小的事情出现混乱,一人的生命也会完全颠覆。It is not necessary that you ………………………………

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