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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-03-28 01:36
After Testing Four-Day Week, Companies Say They Don’t Want to Stop试行四天工作制后,这些企业还想继续Firms saw productivity hold mostly steady and fewer employees quit参与研究的企业发现,其生产率基本未受影响,而员工离职率和缺勤率都降低了。Vanessa Fuhrmans瓦内萨·弗尔曼斯Want to try a four-day workweek? Put this on the boss’s desk.想试试一周只上四天班?把这篇文章放到老板的桌上吧。A large majority of U.K. companies participating in a test of a four-day workweek said they would stick with it after logging sharp drops in worker turnover and absenteeism while largely maintaining productivity during the six-month study.参加四天工作制试验的绝大多数英国企业表示,他们会继续实行这一方案,之前,在这项为期六个月的研究中,员工流失率和缺勤率均大幅下降,而生产率基本未受影响。In one of the largest trials of a four-day week to date, 61 Britis ………………………………

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