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【Economist】Computers and sign language: Unspoken understanding

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-13 23:39
中文导读近年来,为帮助聋人融入数字生活,科学家在如何实现计算机手语识别这一问题上进行了许多尝试,虽已取得一些成就,但仍存在诸多障碍。手语语法复杂、使用不规范现象等加大了计算机手语识别的难度。此外,手语数据不够、多样性不足也使得源数据获取难度高、语料库完备度欠佳。另一方面,将文本或语音转换成手语则更是困难重重。The race to teach sign language to computersUSING A computer used to mean bashing away at a keyboard. Then it meant tapping on a touchscreen. Increasingly, it means simply speaking. Over 100m devices powered by Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant, rest on the world’s shelves. Apple’s offering, Siri, processes 25bn requests a month. By 2025 the market for such technology could be worth more than $27bn.One group, though, has ………………………………

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