传播克里希那穆提教诲的民间组织,从事克氏书籍和视频的翻译与推广工作,并组织线下的沙龙和讨论等活动。 “自我了解是智慧的开端,因而智慧和爱是并肩而行的。”——克里希那穆提
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克里希那穆提冥思坊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-05-05 07:00
图片:位于加州欧亥(Ojai)的美国克里希那穆提静修中心Who has created this conflict of human beings with each other, with the environment, with the gods, with everything? Have you ever considered why you think you are an individual? Are you an individual? Or have you been programmed to think you are an individual? Your consciousness is like every other human being’s consciousness. You suffer, you are lonely, you are afraid, and you seek pleasure and avoid pain. It is so with every human being on this earth. This is a fact, a psychological fact. You may be tall, you may be dark, you may be fair, but those are all external frills, of climate, food, and so on. And culture too is external. But psychologically, subjectively, our consciousness is common, one with all other human beings. 是谁制造了人类彼此之间的这种冲突,以及与环境、与神明、与一切的冲突?你可曾思考过你为什么认为自己是一个个体?你是一个个体吗 ………………………………

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