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学位与写作  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-10 13:17
节选自:马修·纳罗尔斯,攻克硕士论文:有效的指南,手把手教写作,2020年6月23日Mathieu Nayrolles, Conquering the Master’s Thesis: A Guide That Works,  Handmade Writing, 23 June, 2020 https://handmadewriting.com/blog/guides/masters-thesis/ 1. 引言 Introduction在引言中,陈述硕士论文的目标并提出论点问题,提供足够的背景信息,指出研究范围的来龙去脉,并指出论文的论点如何发展的"路线图"。换句话说,引言用于展示你熟悉主题,掌握了文献,并且能够区分你分析过的信息(现状)和你(自己研究)得到的主张。 In the introduction, state the goal of the paper and pose the thesis question, provide sufficient background information to put the scope of your work in context, and offer a written ‘road map’ of how your argument will develop.  In other words, the introduction demonstrates that you are familiar with the subject matter, have mastered the lite ………………………………

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